Mix Fuel Coal&Wood Brick&Wood Pellet Fired Steam Boilers

Mix Fuel Coal&Wood Brick&Wood Pellet Fired Steam Boilers

Mix Fuel Coal&Wood Brick&Wood Pellet Fired Steam Boilers adopt separate screw feeding device for wood pellet automatic feeding. Customer can also remove this wood pellet screw feeding device when they want to feed coal and wood brick as…

10TPH Pulverized Coal Fired Steam Boilers

10TPH Pulverized Coal Fired Steam Boilers

Pulverized Coal Fired Steam Boilers is an industrial or utility boiler that generates thermal energy by burning pulverized coal (also known as powdered coal or coal dust since it is as fine as face powder in cosmetic makeup) that is blown into the firebox. The basic idea…

SHL Double Drum Chain Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

SHL Double Drum Chain Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

一、适用范围 SHL型双锅筒全自动链条炉排燃煤蒸汽锅炉,主要用途为工业生产提供优质蒸汽和动力。适用于纺织行业,造纸行业,医药行业,生物工程,科学实验,化 工行业,塑料工业,橡胶工业,沥青工业,涂料及汽车工业,建筑设备工业,造船工业,食品工业,宾馆酒店,洗浴桑拿,机关学校等行业。 二、产品描述 SHL型双锅筒全自动链条炉排燃煤蒸汽锅炉本体采用双锅筒横置式布置,基本结构由上锅筒、下锅筒、水冷壁、对流管束、省煤器、空气预热器等部件组 成。锅炉前部由水冷壁组成炉膛,并由前后水冷壁构成前后水冷拱,上下锅筒之间设置对流管束,管束设有横向隔板,使烟气横向冲刷流动,锅炉尾部布置省煤器和 空气预热器。燃烧设备采用鳞片式链条炉排实现机械加煤,分仓室通风结构,调节灵敏,配有鼓风机、引风机进行机械通风,并装有螺旋出渣机实现自动出渣。 燃 料自煤斗落到炉排上,进入炉膛燃烧后,烟气经炉膛、燃烬室、对流管束、省煤器或空气预热器进入尾部烟道,通过除尘器、引风机、烟囱排入大气。 三、产品特点 1. 在锅炉对流管束和省煤器受热面部位预留了吹灰器接口,对特殊燃料尤其是粘性强的燃料,可采取必要手段,防患于未然。 2. 消化吸收西安交通大学的最新炉拱研究成果,采用倒 “a”型炉拱技术,改善燃料燃烧特性,煤种适用性广。 3. 采用改进的GEF专用除渣技术,炉排采用新型小鳞片式炉排片,增加独有的保险环,彻底克服了炉排片脱落的技术难题,有效地降低了炉排漏风,使炉排运行稳定可靠,大大提高了燃烧效率。 4. 采用特有的二次风结构,有效地改善了炉内的空气动力场,将炽热的颗粒引向前拱,有利于燃料的引燃点火,同时也延长了燃料在炉内的停留时间,提高了燃料的适应性和利用率。 5. 锅炉炉排采用双层或单层布置的结构形式,更好的满足了用户的实际需求。 6. SHL系列双锅筒链条炉排燃煤蒸汽锅炉是新大公司采用西安交通大学最新燃烧理论成果和锅炉最新发展技术而开发的第四代链条炉排锅炉,锅炉具有出力足,热效 率高,运行稳定可靠,超负荷能力强,燃料适用性广,节能环保等诸多优点。加之自身具有的旋风除尘功能,使锅炉的排烟黑度和原始排尘浓度均符合环保要求。

Some Factors Will Damage Coal Fired Boilers

Traveling grate boilers, also called chain grate boilers, are widely used in industries or hotel, hospital, university and other places to provide steam or hot water. A high quality of chain grate boiler is of high efficiency, low…

DZH1 1TPH Moving Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

DZH1 1TPH Moving Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

DZH Moving Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers is suitable for wood chips, wood brick, wood pellet and coal as fuel. It is one dual fuel boiler and do not have strict requirement for fuel size.  DZH moving grate…

SZL Double Drum Chain Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

SZL Double Drum Chain Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

SZL Double Drum Chain Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers adopt double drum design. top drum has gas and water separate device and drain remove device. bottom drum has regular drainout deivce.  Combustion parts adopt light chain grate and…

Vertical Coal Fired Steam Boilers

Vertical Coal Fired Steam Boilers

Vertical Coal Fired Steam Boilers is water tubulous boiler, both sides of the chamber are loaded with the fluorescent tube water cooling wall, behind arrange two groups of convection banks, lower part the chamber are loaded with the…

DZL Chain Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

DZL Chain Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

DZL Chain Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers adopt chain grate or travelling grate fuel feeding design. It adopt horizontal three pass water tube and fire tube structure.   DZL chain grate coal fired boiler realize automatic fuel feeding and…

DZH Moving Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

DZH Moving Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers

DZH Moving Grate Coal Fired Steam Boilers is suitable for wood chips, wood brick, wood pellet and coal as fuel. It is one dual fuel boiler and do not have strict requirement for fuel size.  DZH moving grate…